Review Process

Peer review integrity statement

JAEDS is committed to peer review integrity at the highest standards. Every article will fairly go through a double-blind peer review procedure where the quality, validity, and relevance are assessed by at least two independent, anonymous experts in the field.

Step 1: Editor’s assessment - The chief-editor or managing editor assigns a journal editor to handle the review process. The editor decides, with the counsel of the chief-editor, if the manuscript is suitable based on the journal’s aim and scope and then checked for possible plagiarism. JAEDS uses a subscribed Turnitin software for similarity check. Manuscripts above 30% similarity index will be rejected. Otherwise, the manuscript will get an ID and proceed to the double-blind peer review. The editors might reject the manuscript immediately if any criteria or ethics as stipulated in the journals ethics policy statement are not met.

Step 2: First round of peer review - The editor appoints two peer reviewers within the area of study within one week of the submission date. The editor will contact researchers/scholars who are experts in the field, through the counsel of the Chief-Editor or the Editorial Advisory Board, to review the manuscript. The manuscript will be assessed in terms of its originality, suitability of the description of research design and methodology, appropriate and clear presentation of results and reliability and significance of the conclusions. The reviewers may suggest accept, minor, major or reject decisions based on their jurisdiction. Authors will be provided with feedback on the manuscript, in terms of any changes that need to be made before it can be published. The final decision on a manuscript is always at the editor’s discretion.

Step 3: Revision and re-submission - Authors can then amend the manuscript based on the reviewer’s comments, resubmitting it with any or all changes made. The revision and re-submission phase must strictly follow the dates set by the editors.

Step 4: Multiple rounds of peer review - If necessary, several rounds of peer review will be conducted until reviewers decide that the manuscript meets the criteria for publication.

Step 5: Acceptance - The Editor recommends the article to be accepted and will be approved by either the Chief-Editor or the Managing Editor after final checks on the review process. The accepted manuscript is then forwarded to the Copy and Publication Editors.

Step 6: Language Proofread and Copyediting - All articles accepted for publication by JAEDS will undergo an internal review for English language by a Proofread Editor. Then, the Copyediting Editor will check for article formatting and quality of Figures. The edited version is then forwarded to the Corresponding Author for final check, improvement of Figure quality and approval.

Step 7: Publication - The approved version of the article is passed to the Production Editor who assigns the issue, page numbers and DOI of the article prior to online publication.