Enhancing Organizational Performance in Oil and Gas Industry: A Comprehensive Review of Quality Management Practices
Oil & Gas, Quality Management Practices, Quality ManagementAbstract
This study aims to conduct a comprehensive review on the implementation of quality management practices (QMP) and their implications of organizational performance in the oil and gas sector. Quality management is crucial in such a complex and high-stakes sector where even minor errors can have significant consequences. The paper systematically reviews quality management practices, emphasizing their advantages and critical factors that impact organizational performance. The findings highlight two key insights: firstly, although QMP demonstrate a positive influence on organizational performance, their adoption within the oil and gas sector remains relatively limited. Secondly, there is a notable scarcity of research focusing specifically on quality management practices within this industry. By addressing these gaps, this review contributes to a deeper understanding of QMP's role in enhancing organizational performance within the oil and gas sector.
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